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Sound Healing Concerts

with John Steinbauer, 22Lunar

3rd Sundays (unless otherwise noted)

7:00–9:00 pm


Next scheduled concert:

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Cost: $20 at the door / Space limited

No registration required! MASKS recommended.

QUESTIONS: Contact John Steinbauer at 

248-445-2590 or 

or learn more at:


Enlightened Soul Center

2711 Carpenter Road
Ann Arbor 48108
Free parking!

Halfway between Washtenaw Ave. and Packard St.
Our own free-standing building, main entrance in the back!

About the Sound Healing Concerts:

A two-hour sound bath of deep meditation. Rare crystal bowls, music from all over the world and Reiki, orchestrated in peaceful harmony. John’s concerts are based on SST (Sustained Sound Therapy) where he plays the bowls continuously, changing the frequencies and tones harmoniously with the music.


John's crystal bowls and music stimulate the nerve bundles along the spine, up into the brain stem, and then through the limbic system. The sound from the crystal bowls stimulates the medulla in the brain stem and activates the auditory nerve that connects all the muscles of the body. These signals then flood the brain with mood-lifting chemicals. In addition, the low frequencies cause a relaxation of the tissues and a dilation of blood vessels, as well as an opening of the lymphatic pathways which, in turn, increases the body's ability to heal. Add in Reiki and the healing is quite profound!

crystal toning bowls.png

About John Steinbauer

John Steinbauer is a clear-channel intuitive Reiki Master Teacher and Sound Healing Practitioner. John's work consists of working with clients with ADD, ADHD, PTSD, anxieties, various forms of stages of cancer, stress, and any form of blocked energy.


John offers a large array of services, including his unique Sound Healing Therapy, Reiki Therapy, Distant Reiki, Intuitive Energy Cleansing, Group Healing, Life Coaching, Cosmic Percussions, and Primordial Meditation. John also teaches Reiki 1, 2, Master, and Teacher levels. He works in all over Michigan, but is able to cater to clients around the world. 

For more about John's work:, and

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