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Reflective Meditation Drop-in Group 
with Erica Dutton

Thursdays ~ On hiatus until Fall
6:30–7:30 PM 
NEW: COST: $10 donation suggested per class
NEW: Masks preferred but not required.

Questions: Erica, 

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LOCATION - We've Moved!​

Enlightened Soul Center
2711 Carpenter Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Halfway between Washtenaw Ave. and Packard St.
Located adjacent to the U-M Credit Union on the east side of Carpenter. Free parking in the back and on the side street! Entrance in the back.

About the Reflective Meditation Drop-in Group:

Reflective Meditation is uniquely suited for people who have tried meditation before and say, “I can’t do it; I can’t stop my thoughts.” The openness, receptivity, and gentleness in Reflective Meditation help people succeed with this meditation.


Reflective Meditation is an open, receptive, less structured form of insight meditation.  Hallmarks of the practice are:

  •  Gentleness

  •  Curiosity

  •  Flexibility


The roots of this practice are to be found in the Buddha’s earliest teachings and are based on learning to trust the ways of knowing that develop in meditation, enabling you to be more responsive and present in your life.


This drop-in group is open to new meditators as well as those who have any type of previous meditation experience.


This drop-in group will offer teaching about the practice, time to meditate, journaling, and sharing in the Reflective Meditation approach. Please bring paper and pencil to journal. If you already have a meditation practice, you are welcome to continue that or experiment with RM.


Since the meeting room is relatively small, Erica asks that you wear a surgical or KN95 (not cloth) mask. We have extra masks if you only have a cloth mask. Surgical and layered paper masks have proven to be much more effective than cloth. Thank you.

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About Erica Dutton

Erica Dutton is an experienced teacher and meditation practitioner of 30 years. She started with Vipassana Meditation and taught that for many years before learning about Reflective Meditation, a more open form of insight meditation. This practice seemed more suited to her and she began studying that approach. After several years, Erica was invited to a teacher training program in Reflective Meditation. She began teaching that approach 8 years ago. She has dedicated herself to sharing Reflective Meditation so others can succeed in meditation, see their experience as important and valuable, and realize the benefits.


Individual and small group teaching, classes and consultation, online and in person are available by appointment.  Contact Erica Dutton via email at or learn more at her website:

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