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Practitioner at the Enlightened Soul Center
Available by appointment only (contact her directly)

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Channeled Psychic Readings
Past-Life Readings
Medical Intuition
Remote Reiki Readings
(healing & medical intuition)

Discounts for Retirees, Single Parents, & Full-Time Students

Past-Life Healing Regressions, $150
For those who can follow a guided meditation. Read one person's experience with this technique HERE.

Intuition Teacher - See Amy's classes HERE

CALL or TEXT: (734) 358-0218
LEARN MORE: or read the Sep.–Dec. 2022 Crazy Wisdom Journal article HERE

Amy is the owner and co-founder of the Enlightened Soul Center. She is a psychic, medical intuitive, Reiki Master, and "conscious channel" for her Master Guide, Philonius, and "The Masters" Spirit team. Since 1999, she has aided clients on their path by consulting with their Higher Self/soul, their spirit guides, and their angels. Her readings explore your current incarnation and past lives. Amy can also connect with the Higher Self/soul and guides of others in your life as appropriate, to get you the information you need — for the highest good of all concerned.


Often, Amy will impart intuitive medical information and spiritual teachings as well. Relocation, soul's purpose and mission, business advice, love matches/soulmates, and future predictions (with numerical probabilities) are some of her specialties. Clients may receive exercises (“homework”) to aid them with their life lessons and to practice accessing their own guidance.

Among her other duties, Amy teaches Intuition Development Classes at the Center and has been offering Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 8-week classes since 2015. Her offerings expanded in the past few years to include Reading Practice Intro, Advanced Reading Practice, Channeling, Mediumship, Divination Tools, and more. She originally began teaching intuition classes at the Ann Arbor Public Schools Rec & Ed Adult Continuing Education Program.


Amy is a Reiki Master Teacher as well as being certified in Rahanni Celestial Healing (Pink Ray 5th-Dimensional Energy Healing for the New Age). In 2015, she began hosting workshops by Tina Zion of Living Aware Inc. and became certified in Medical Intuition. She puts these modalities together by offering "Remote Reiki Readings," sending healing Reiki energy by distance while "seeing" inside the body to get medical intuition information, which is written down and sent after the Remote Reiki Reading appointment. (All findings & recommendations should be verified by your medical professional.)

Amy also offers Past-Life Healing Regressions, trained by Constance Joy Hart, who was trained by New Age author Denise Linn. Not only see your past lives, but go back and heal them! These take several hours and are best utilized by those who can get into a meditative state (such as when you follow a guided meditation, like a guided shamanic journey).

Amy became an active student of metaphysics in 1993, studying with Spiritualist ministers Rev. Shala Kilmer, Revs. Edward and Annette Jones, and Rev. Ken Nowaciewski, among others, and she has been influenced by many traditions since. Amy was a founding member of the Center of Light Spirituality Center (formerly in Oxford, MI). She went on to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Interfaith Center for Spiritual Growth in Ann Arbor and was a reader at the Crazy Wisdom Bookstore & Tea Room in Ann Arbor. She has been an invited speaker at Spiritualist church services at the Center of Enlightenment in Ferndale, MI, the First Spiritualist Temple in Royal Oak, MI, and the Corinthians Spiritual Center in Jackson, MI.

In December 2016, Amy was ordained by energy transfer from Rev. Daniel Chesbro of the Sanctuary of the Beloved into the Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek. 


Amy appeared on a 2013 Ann Arbor episode of HGTV's "House Hunters" show and accurately described the house that was ultimately purchased. She also has been a contributing writer to Crazy Wisdom Journal and the Body Mind Spirit Guide

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2711 Carpenter Road, Ann Arbor MI 48108 ~ FREE PARKING!
Located halfway between Washtenaw Ave. and Packard St.
© 2016–2025 Enlightened Soul Center & Shop

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